Sunday 20 May 2012

April 20, 2012   -10C, low cloud, NW 20-30 kmph, Flat light.
IQ (Inuit Qaujiimajatuqangit) is a term used to refer to Inuit Traditional Knowledge. The GN permits and encourages staff to take 2 IQ days a year. The idea is for Inuit staff to share their knowledge of the area and traditional skills. Moshi (Social Scientist), Theo (CO) and Johnny (Finance Officer) led the day.
The trip was to the Avvajjaq area across the sea ice channel to the hilly, mountainous mainland. 80 km., 6 hours with activities. – Igloo building, navigation, seal liars, arctic fox predation on seal pup and a polar bear – my first.

10 machines and 12 Wildlife Section staff         3 qamutiiks with gear-food, fuel, shelter, firearms, harpoon, gaff, ....

Johnny even brought a boat in case we went to the floe edge. Moshi shows his line made of bearded seal hide that he uses with his harpoon.

Many sleds around Igloolik have boats loaded on them. The hunters sometimes hunt the open water along the floe edge. Our plans changed due to the weather. We decided to go the Avvajjaq instead of a polynia (open water area with seal and possibly walrus).

Guillaume examines Johnny's harpoon. The articulated harpoon end was crafted by Johnny's father out of brass and steel.

Theo taught us how to cut blocks for building the igloo. Much harder than it looks. I Broke many before I was successful which Theo found quite humerous. Theo once built an igloo in 14 minutes at a competition. At times in his life he lived with his family in an igloo. He bulit a giant igloo complex for his wedding ceremony. The large main igloo and 3 connected statellite igloos accomodated 100 people.              
Johnny, leads the construction - 3 points of contact for each block.
8 of us could sit comfortably.

For lunch there was an opportunity to try raw, frozen caribou. I tried some later and found it OK.
Sharina's cloudberry jam was a big hit as were her home made gluten-free cookies. After lunch I led a practice session with various deterrents.
And right after that, Moshi, who had gone exploring arrived back and announced that there was a polar bear just up the coast. So off we went to try for a glimpse.

Check out the size of the track. Nico Lecomete got a picture with his 400mm lens.

After that excitement it was time to head back the 40 kms. back to Igloolik and there were more tings to see including evidence of the prey the bear was hunting, ring seal.

We probably spooked the arctic fox just after it had dug out this seal's liar. The kill was very fresh.

Happy IQ Day Crew.
back row left to right: Peter, Malik, Jimmy, Guillaume, me, Theo, Meghan
front row: Mark,Matt, Sharina, Moshi, Johnny, Nico

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