Saturday 25 August 2012

Cabin Days

Well where did that week go? Hard to believe a week has gone by since we were actually out at the cabin. Here are a few pics from last weekend. We took a taxi out to the cabin site, unloaded our crap and settled in for a weekend of nothing-too-strenuous. The cabin is owned by two couples, both teachers, who graciously offered it to us. We had planned to camp and even though the weather was generally "nice," it's all relative here. It was much easier to cook, relax, read and have crib tournaments in a cabin. 

This was our first warm day. We could even sit on the deck without toques or mitts!
Our weekend view.
The preferred location for the weekend. 
Starting to get creative with all of those bones. 
Meditative fishing.
Inuit tent not far down the beach. (That's Bob's kind of tent!) Notice the modern tent rings of stone? 

We hiked back to Igloolik on the last day. It was pretty miserable - thick fog, which got us soaked, and the wind right on our faces. But...these sled dogs were a little reward halfway along. Mom was tied up, thankfully, but the six pups were on the loose and ready to play! 

Very hard not to conduct a dog-napping right then and there, but we resisted. 

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